Shoulder Clinician Tool

1 / 10

Pain intensity
1) On average, how intense was your pain? (where 0 is “no pain”, 10 is “pain as bad as it could be”)

2 / 10

Pain self-management

Have you been struggling to manage or control this pain by yourself? (e.g. using medication or exercises etc…)

3 / 10

Pain impact

Over the last 2 weeks, have you been bothered a lot by your pain?

4 / 10

Walking short distances only

Have you only been able to walk short distances because of your pain?

5 / 10

Pain elsewhere

Are you having troublesome pain in more than one part of your body?

6 / 10

Long-term expectations

Are you concerned you’re developing a long-term problem?

7 / 10

Other important health problems

Are you also having to deal with other important health problems at present?

8 / 10

Emotional well-being

Have you felt anxious or low in your mood because of your pain?

9 / 10

Fear of harm

Do you worry that physical activity could make your condition worse?

10 / 10

Pain duration

Have you had your current pain problem for 6 months or more?